List of Tamil words in Tatar language
Dr . V.R . Annadurai Variankaval Ramasamy ; MD; DPM;
consultant Psychiatist
List of Tamil words in Tatar language
Dr. Variankaval Ramasamy Annadurai; MD; DPM;
The Tatar language is a Turkic language spoken by Tatars mainly located in modern Tatarstan (European Russia), as well as Siberia. It should not be confused with Crimean Tatar or Siberian Tatar, which are closely related but belong to different subgroups of the Kipchak languages.
The Tatar language is spoken in Russia (about 5.3 million people), Ukraine, China, Finland, Turkey, Uzbekistan, the United States of America, Romania, Azerbaijan, Israel, Kazakhstan, Georgia, Lithuania, Latvia and other countries. There are more than 7 million speakers of Tatar in the world.
Tatar is also native for several thousand Maris. Mordva's Qaratay group also speak a variant of Kazan Tatar.
In the 2010 census, 69% of Russian Tatars who responded to the question about language ability claimed a knowledge of the Tatar language. In Tatarstan, 93% of Tatars and 3.6% of Russians did so. In neighbouring Bashkortostan, 67% of Tatars, 27% of Bashkirs, and 1.3% of Russians did.[
Tatar, along with Russian, is the official language of the Republic of Tatarstan. The official script of Tatar language is based on the Cyrillic script with some additional letters. The Republic of Tatarstan passed a law in 1999, which came into force in 2001, establishing an official Tatar Latin alphabet. A Russian federal law overrode it in 2002, making Cyrillic the sole official script in Tatarstan since. Unofficially, other scripts are used as well, mostly Latin and Arabic. All official sources in Tatarstan must use Cyrillic on their websites and in publishing. In other cases, where Tatar has no official status, the use of a specific alphabet depends on the preference of the author.
The Tatar language was made a de facto official language in Russia in 1917, but only within the Tatar Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic. Tatar is also considered to have been the official language in the short-lived Idel-Ural State, briefly formed during the Russian Civil War.
The usage of Tatar declined from during the 20th century. By the 1980s, the study and teaching of Tatar in the public education system was limited to rural schools. However, Tatar-speaking pupils had little chance of entering university because higher education was available in Russian almost exclusively.
As of 2001 Tatar was considered a potentially endangered language while Siberian Tatar received "endangered" and "seriously endangered" statuses, respectively. Higher education in Tatar can only be found in Tatarstan, and is restricted to the humanities. In other regions Tatar is primarily a spoken language and the number of speakers as well as their proficiency tends to decrease. Tatar is popular as a written language only in Tatar-speaking areas where schools with Tatar language lessons are situated. On the other hand, Tatar is the only language in use in rural districts of Tatarstan.
Since 2017, Tatar language classes are no longer mandatory in the schools of Tatarstan. According to the opponents of this change, it will further endanger the Tatar language and is a violation of the Tatarstan Constitution which stipulates the equality of Russian and Tatar languages in the republic.

Clues to read Tatar words into Tamil
Letter ‘k’ = ‘v’; v= ‘ka’; letter ‘Ra’= ‘la’.
Add vowels then and there.
Letter ’p’ and letter ‘s’ can be retained/ deleted /added or exchanged.
Add letters ‘m’ and ‘n’ then and there.
A consonant letter can be read more than once.
If a same letter occurs consecutively more than once it can be read as a single letter.
By jumbling the letters of the given Japanese word, a Tamil word can be derived.
Ref; Tatar – English / English – Tatar Dictionary – Sergey Shakhmayev
English – Tatar- Tamil
*1.cluster- kedak- koththu aaka/ as a cluster; koththu koththaaka / in bunches; letters are read more than once.
* - akkarai yoadu /with care ; akkarai- care
3.repay – kaitaru-kattuthar –paying; thiruppi koduththar; letters are jumbled.
4.hill- kal kuluk-kallakam .
* kara-karu
6.crow- karga -karunk-kaakai; karu- black; kaakai- crow ; karuvaakam -raven; ka= va; va= ka.
*7.concerning- karata-kuriththu
8.catarrh- katar-mookku adaiththar ; mookku- nose; adaiththar- block
*9.severe/strict- katgyi-kadumaiyaaka
*10.firm/hard- katy- ketti; kadinam.
11.loud- katy- kattoaasai / loud noise; oaasai- noise. kibet-kadai kirte-kiraathi
14.leave- kitu-neenkkidu
*15.deliver- kiteru-koduththar
* kiteru- koatttu adiththar ; koaatai viduthar ;ka= va; va= ka.
*17.cyst- kista- katti ; thanni katti ;thanni -water; katti- lump
19.blouse- kodta- kuttai / cloth ; maekkattu .
20.merge- kushylu- kala
*21.anger- kyrys-karuvu
22.heat- kyzu- kaaichchu ;kaaya .
*23.edge- kyryi-karai
*24.shorten/reduce- kys kartu- kuraiththidu
*25.cry- akyryga- karaika
*26.cry- elau-azhu
27.laugh- kolu- nakkal
*28.flock- kotu-koottam
*29.wait- kotu-kaaththu kida ; to lie in waiting ;letters are read more than once.
*30.flight- kotu- koottam
31.eye- kuz-kann kuk-kakanam
*33.lake- kul-kulam
34.raise- kuteru-koottuthar
35.get-tabu- adaiya
36.find-tabu- thaedu ;thaedi adaiya ; thaedi paaththidu
37.describe-tasvirlau- vivariththal; letters are jumbled.
*38.language/tongue- tel-thaal
39.stare- tekelu-uththu kaanal ; kaanal- seeing .
* tegu-theikka tentu-thaedi adainthidu ; letters are read more than once; thaedu- search ;adainthidu- to attain
42.flat- tigez- thattaiyaaka ;thattai- flat .
43.equal – tigez- oththathaaka
* tire- thoar
*45.consume- totu- thueiththidu
46.hold-/ seize - totu – pidiththidu
47.create- tudyru- padaiththar
48.dust- tuzan- thoosu stop- tuktatu-thaduththiduka ; letters are jumbled.
*50.utter- tuly- yaathal /tell
51.arise- tuu- uthi[Skt] ; thattu ; letter ‘t’ is read more than once .
52.prohibit- tuiu- thadai idu
53.base/bottom- top- adi
54.basic- top-adipadai ; letters are read more than once.
55.packing/wrap-- toru- pothi iduthar
56.recover- savygu-sowkkiyamaaka ; sukamaaka ; kunamaaka[Tamil ] .
57.heal- savyktyru-kunam adaithar ; kunam- healing ;adaithar- to attain.
58.number- san-enn
59.number- nomer-ennum murai / method of calculation; ennu- to count; enn- numerical number; murai- method. count- sanau-ennu
*61.tell /speak- soileu- sollu
62.bone- soiak-akku
63.extinguish- sunder-anaithar / die off
64.glossary- suzlwk-sol koavai ; sol- word/ language ; koavai- collection ; glossary [E]- sor kalanjiyam ; letters are jumbled.
*65.round- raund-urundai
*66.wheel - rul-urulai
67.robe- mantiia- munndu; moodu= cover.
*68.beautiful- matur- maathar / beauty
69.subway – metro-munn adiyir ; munn- land/ adiyir- bottom .
70.heritage- miras-marapu
*71.neck /throat- muen-menni
*72.abundant- mul- mallal
73.grumble- mygyrdau-munakuthar
74.pretty- molaem-mallal / beauty
75.essential- mokhim- mukkiyam [Indo Irainian]; muthanmai mikka.
*76.what- nindi- ennathu /what is that; enna- what;athu- that .
77.suppose- niiat itu-ennidu; ninaiththidu.
78.intention- niiat-enniyathu; ninaiththathu.
*79.intend- niiatleu-ennuthal; ninaiththal.
*80.ray- nur-niram
* join/combine- oeshtyru- saeththiduthar
82.give- oeshtyru-tharu
83.speaker-orator-urai aatruvar; urai-speech;aattru- deliver; urai aaatru / to lecture .
84.dash- omtylysh-muttuthal
*85.grown up adult- oly- aal lengthen- ozynaitu-neettiththidu
* out-aadu
* ochy-uchchi
89.sad/sorrow- kaigyly- kavalai ; ka= va; va= ka.
*90.tear- ertu- aruththidu
*91.tear- ertylu-aruththal
92.fall- egylu- - keezhae vizhu /to fall down; ka= va; va= ka; keeezhae- down; vizhu -to fall.
93.lad- eget- kodukku / mischievous lad
* gaile-kulam
95.proud- gorur- akan-k-kaar [Skt] ; karvam [?Skt] ; serukku ; letters are in reversed order.
*96.figure- geode-koadu
97.body/trunk- geode-kattai
*98.corps- geode-koottam
99.hull- geode-kuththukai ; full form- kuttrukai ; koathu edu ; letters are read more than once; koathu- husk; edu- remove.
* dieta-theettai donia- thinai; duniya.
*102.camel- doia-ottai
*103.creation- zat- seithidu /make il- pozhil ; nilam ; nilai/ earth .
105.already- inde-munthiyae
*106.remark- iskertu- kuriththidu ; kurippidu /remark[ v] .
107.flesh- it- sathai
*108.break- vatu [v]-udai
*109.break- vatylu [ n]-udaiththal
*110.heir- varis- uriyoar /those who have the rights.
*111.version- variant - vaeraanathu /different
*112.kid/ child- bala- pillai ;balan [Indo Iranian]
*113.children – balalar- pillaiyar ; baalar .
114.shine- balku-pala palakka ; letters are read more than once
115.brave/hero- batyr- padai yaeru /valiant warrior ; padai- army ; theeram / brave ; thaeiriyam .
116.publication- bastyru-achchu adiththar
*117.learn- belu-payilu
118.high/tall- biek-pokkam
119.fasten- ber ketu-erukki kattu ; kattu- fasten ;erukki- tightly.
120.sheet- bit- yaedu
121.thigh -bot -thodai
123.single- buidak- oththaiyaaka – brigade- poar koottam ; poar- war; koottam- troop /group ; perun-k-kottam; periya- big.
*125.wrap- butau-pothi idu ; pothi- bundle; idu- make.
* bebi-paappa
*127.village- awyl-vaeli
128.agrarian- agrar-kama kaarar/farmer; kamam – agriculture.
129.mind- akyl - kalam
130.amnesty/ pardon - amnistiia- manniththidu / forgive ; manam thaninthida ; letters are read more than once ; manam- mind ; thaniya-to become cool ; pardon[E] - poruththidu .
*131.mother-ana- annai
*132.eldest sister- apa- paappa
133.father- ata- thathai; aththaa [Arabic]; daddy.
134.throw- atarga- etta erika ;etta- distant ; erika- throw ;doora erika ; doora [Indo Iranian ] .
135.throw down- audaru-etta eriya;eriya- throw.
* atly- thooli
*137.pace- atlau- adi eduththal/ taking a step; adi- foot; eduththal- taking.
138.coal- kumer-karimam; letters are jumbled; kari- coal /soot.
139.parliament- parlament- paaraalu mandram ; paar- world; aalu- rule; mandram- assembly.
140.print- pechat-achchu idu ;achchu adi .
*141.prize- priz-parisu ; root word is paeru .
*142.protest- protest-poaraadu
*143.teach- ukytu-kathhtu kodu ; letters are read more than once.
144.heat- ut-soodu
*146.benefit- faida-payan paadu
147.useful- faidaly- payan adaithal ; to get benefitted ; payan ullathu ; letters are jumbled; payan- use; ullathu- has.
*148.queen- ferz-paer arasi ; periya - great /big; arasi – queen.
149.foot-fut-paatham;adi .
150.lion- file-maa puli ; maa- big.
151.folk- khalyk- kuzhukkal /folks; letters are read more than once; kuzhu- group.
*152.lamentation/sad- khesretle- karaithal/ cry
153.cross road- chat-santhippu / junction; santhi / junction.
154.tidy/clean- chista-suththam
155.utter- chy garu-
156.pretty- shaktyi-kedi /beauty
157.noise- shau shau-oaasai
158.noisy- shau shuly-oaasai ulla
*159.push- eteru-idiththar
*160.fat- iuan-nei ; letters are in reversed order.
161.console- iuatu-thani
*162.reveal- iulygu-veli aakku
163.side- iak-pakkam
*164.light- iakty-kaattu ; kaethu [Skt] .
*165.glitter/glow- ialtyrau-oli thara;oli- light; thara- giving ; oli yaetru/ illuminate ; oli yaetru- to light .
166.shiny- ialtyravyk- oli tharuka ; oli- light; tharuka- to give .
167.illuminate- iaktyrtu-kathirththar / shine; kathir- light. iagyni-akkini [Indo Iranian]; neekki / to remove/removing the darkness.
169.make- qasu-aakku
*170.yachet- iakhata-kadaththu
*171.tale- ekiiat- kathai
*172.say- eitu-oaathu
173.heap- oep kuiu [v] –kuvi ; kuvippu / heap [ n] ;letters are jumbled.
*174.die- ulu-azhiya; ozhiya
175.hill- ur-paru; porai /mountain; maeru ; root word is uyram- height.
*176.passage- utem-thadam / path way
177.distress- khelaket-kalakkam adaiya ;adaiya- to have.
178.ruin- khela ket-kettu azhika ;letters are jumbled.